Boo hoo it is the last day of Enrich for the year but luckily I am a year 4 so I am not leaving!! I am going to do a pmi for today's blog, that stands for plus minus and interesting.
First positive: This years positive moments were... passion time, because I love exploring my passions which were painting. Meeting new friends like Norton, Claudia, Meg, Grace and Sophie. Wilson games, now those were fun!! Doing my mural!!
Now for my negatives: they were cleaning up every afternoon but I guess we had to, and no more negatives.
Now interesting: learning about photography, painting etc.
I have had a great year and I can't wait for next year.
Hello everyone!! I am Lucy and I am a year 6, so it is my final year at Enrich!! What is Enrich?? Enrich is a school for gifted people. At Enrich we have four domains; they are Conceptual Development, Mental Edge, Personal Development and Talent Development. At Enrich this year I want to make a really cool passion project particularly as its my last year!!
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Animal rights
Today for my must does and picks I did animal rights with Katie. First of all we wrote down what humans need to live I wrote water, food, air,house, heat, and sleep. Then we wrote what animals need to live I wrote water, food, house, care, and love.Then we watched a wee snippet of 'Babe' then we discussed what someone/something did and if it was nice or bad. Then we watched another snippet of 'Babe' and did the same thing. Then we discussed that animals have emotions and shouldn't be treated badly. I had a good time listening about animals and how they shouldn't be teated badly.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
My full day at Enrich
Hello and today I am going to tell you all about my day at Enrich. Well today we played a Wilson game, first called four red four blue and a ball but we changed it to.... two orange two green and a ball. How to play first you get in a circle and a couple of people will be holding a orange beanbag and another person will be holding a green beanbag and another person will be holding another orange beanbag and another person will be holding another beanbag. Then you go round the circle with everybody getting the beanbags. Then we did passion time I did painting. For my painting I did a green background then I painted a flower in the middle next week I will be painting in the inside of the flower!!!!Then it was morning tea. After morning tea we played chess I played Ali she won but I was so close to winning!!!! After chess we did our must does and pics I watched a video about a 12 year old why proved that grown ups aren't always the best and anything is possible even when you are a kid. Then it was lunch. After lunch we did our blogs then we will be doing more must do's and pics . Then it will be hometime.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
My hot day at Enrich
Hello, today we played a Wilson game first, it was called "All or nothing". We played it last week too. This time I was in Katie's team, we got 33 points, we came second. Darryn's team got first with 58 points and Alana's team came last with 26 points. After that we did passion time, I did painting. I painted a lot of dots that I am going to write my name in. Then it was morning tea. After morning tea we did our must dos and picks. There was a lot of fun stuff, I did a garden planner. This is the website for it.
After must dos and picks it was lunch. After lunch we did our blog. Then we are doing more work on our Environment project. My group is doing a plan on paper so we know what we should paint. Then it is home time.
After must dos and picks it was lunch. After lunch we did our blog. Then we are doing more work on our Environment project. My group is doing a plan on paper so we know what we should paint. Then it is home time.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Today at Enrich
Hello! Today at Enrich we started of with a game of chess. I played Norton and I won!!! After that we did our environment projects. My group had to clean the alleyway so it was cleared for our project, it was really smelly because there was a rotten egg on the tarpaulin out there. After that it was morning tea. After morning tea we did a technology challenge. It was a MacGyver challenge. We got newspaper, tape, paperclips, scissors, and a plastic bag. Then we got put into teams and we had to make a device with the stuff I just said. We had to throw out device to get a hammer and chisel back to us (our feet were trapped in concrete!) My team didn't get it. After that we did our blog post. Then it was lunch. After lunch we are going to do passion time for the rest of the afternoon. Then it will be home time.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Hello! Today we started of with a game of chess I played Madison she won then I played Norton she won as well. After chess it was passion time I did gluten free baking. We printed off a recipe then we did a plan for my mural group for later on in the day. Then it was morning tea. After morning tea Katie read out a little speech about being green then we got spilt into three groups and talked about what polluting means. I was with Darryn. Then we played Piccadilly Circus like last week. Then it was lunch. After lunch we did our blog post. Then we will be doing environment work. My nana is coming in to help us. Then is will be home time.
These are the answers rebuses that I put on my blog two weeks ago
The first is a waterfall, the second is queue, and the last one is a dozen.
These are the answers rebuses that I put on my blog two weeks ago
The first is a waterfall, the second is queue, and the last one is a dozen.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
My very long day
Today we started off with a game of chess. I played Madison and she won and then I played Norton and she won as well. After chess we did more work on our environment projects. This time my group planned out on the laptop what we are going to tell the dentist next door because they work next door and we want to paint their outside wall. Then it was morning tea. After morning tea we watched a video about air pollution and the top 10 cities that have the most polluted air. We wrote down 2 facts about the video and 1 wondering. My wondering was "Is it people making the city horrible, or is it the animals and the factories? After that it as lunch time. After lunch we played a Wilson game. The Wilson game was called Piccadilly Circus. You have to stand in a circle and pass the ball to someone else, but they can't be right beside you. Once you've passed the ball, you sit down in that person's spot. You weren't allowed to throw the ball, drop the ball, or talk. Our best time with one ball was 1.06min. Then we did our blog post and next I will do passion time then it will be home time.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
What a fun day
Hello everybody who reads my blog! Today we started off with a game of chess. I played one of my friends Emma, and I played Ali as-well. Then we did some more work on the environment project. My group did the rest of our email and did some more work with the chalk. Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea time we watched a video about people tipping yucky water into the sea and lakes. Then we played a Wilson game called Bullseye. We played this last week too but this week Katie changed the rules now you are allowed to throw it in any hoop. Then it was lunch time. After lunch we did our blog then we are doing passion time. Me and my friend are doing painting. Then it will be home time.
Our rebuses for today are:
This old one runs forever but never moves at all. He has no lungs nor throat but still a mighty roar. What am I?
What english word retains the same pronunciation even when you take away four of its five letters? What is it?
A word I know, six letter it contains, remove one letter and twelve remains.
If you know any please put the answers on comments.
Our rebuses for today are:
This old one runs forever but never moves at all. He has no lungs nor throat but still a mighty roar. What am I?
What english word retains the same pronunciation even when you take away four of its five letters? What is it?
A word I know, six letter it contains, remove one letter and twelve remains.
If you know any please put the answers on comments.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Thursday, 23 August 2012
My fun day at Enrich
Hi!! Want to hear about what we did today well I will just tell you anyway. First we did chess I played Samantha she won. Then we did high interest stations I did Fibonacci with Alana we learnt that nature is related to maths. Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea we played a Wilson game called pegasauras it was really fun. Then we did creative writing with Darryn. Then it was lunchtime. After lunch we did our blog. Then more work on the environment. Then it will be home time.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Today at Enrich
Hi! Today at Enrich we started off with a game of chess, I played Meg unfortunately she won. Next we did high interest stations. I did cartooning with Katie, we did drawings of faces it was fun. Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea we did p4c or writing I did writing we wrote about one of the scariest times in our life I wrote about my first time jumping of the highest diving board at splash palace.Then lunch time. After lunch we did the blog post then we are now doing more work on the environment, after that it was home time.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Hello everybody who reads my blog I will tell you all about today. First we started off with choosing what groups we should go in to make Enrich better I was in a group with Madison Norten Meg and me we had to pant a muarl outside in a area at Enrich. Then we had a game of chess I played Wilson he won, then I played Emma we didn't finish it but I think she would have won. Then Lisa came in she told us some things thet could help the environment. Then it was morning tea. Then we did the high intrest stations I did art with Katie we looked at Stu Duval and did his cartoons with numbers. Then it was lunch. After lunch we are going to play a wilson game! Then we are doing pics then home time.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Hey! I am going to tell you all about what we did today. First we started off with a game of chess I played Brianna she won. Then we did high interest stations I was in science with Jenni and we made light bulbs. Then it was morning tea. After morning tea we did environment and made lists that could make the town and Enrich better. Then it was lunch I went outside for lunch. After lunch we did or goal setting we had to do 2 goals. Now we are doing our blog and then we are doing more work on the environment and then home time.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
my good day at Enrich.
Hi today at Enrich we did a mural. We did a quick sketch of a mural- something to make your city better. I did the water tower and a river running down the middle of the page and three hills and a paddock with sheep and a tree beside it. Then we had morning tea. After morning tea we did a technology challenge. First we got put into groups and we got some stuff. We had to make a shuttlecock fly better. The winner gets a chocolate bar. I hope I win. Then a lady came to talk to us about the environment. Then it was lunch. I went outside for lunch and played ball tag. I have had a good day so far.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Elephants toothpaste

Thursday, 21 June 2012
At Enrich today
Today at Enrich we had a very busy day. We started of with a Wilson game, it was human naughts and crosses, it was a fun game. Then we did some more habits of mind. We did one called Persisting, then we did talent development. We did some more green screening. Then we had morning tea. After morning tea we did some more habits of mind and then a game of chess. I played Madison. I just about won the first game but she won it and she also won the next game. Then we had lunch. After lunch we did some more habits of mind. Then we had our picks and we did our rebuses and went home.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
My busy day at Enrich
Today at Enrich we started off with a Wilson game then we did some more of talent development - photography. Then we had yummy morning tea. Then we had a game of chess I played Madison. Madison won. We did mental edge - we learned about habits of mind. After lunch we did must dos and picks then we did our blog post. I had a busy day at Enrich.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
At enrich today.
This morning we started off with a game of chess. Then we did some more tapa cloth. Then we had morning tea yay! Then after morning tea we did some more on our tapa cloth and then it was lunch. After lunch we did passion time, I did painting. Then we cleaned up and went home, I had a great day.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
The Learning Wheel
At Enrich today we did a learning wheel. A learning wheel is a sheet of paper that has 5 parts of a circle
that say... I wonder, I felt, I learned, I tried and I used. We used this to reflect on Term 1.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Today at Enrich we did SCAMPER. Scamper stands for:
S stands for substitute
C stands for combine
A is alter
M is mega/mini
P is put to other uses
E eliminate
R is reverse.
The object that my group used was a black foam mat, my favorite one was combine. That was my favorite thing for enrich today.
S stands for substitute
C stands for combine
A is alter
M is mega/mini
P is put to other uses
E eliminate
R is reverse.
The object that my group used was a black foam mat, my favorite one was combine. That was my favorite thing for enrich today.
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