Sunday, 10 August 2014

Making my brain sore!!

Do you want to make your brain sore of thinking?? Well if you do I suggest you carry on reading!!

Today in the morning email Katie sent us three riddles that we had to solve. I sat there for ages re-reading the riddles and I just couldn't get them. After about 5 minutes of hard out thinking I got the second one!!!! Then I got the third one, but I just couldn't get the first one. 

These were the questions...... 

I have streets but no pavement,I have cities but no buildings,I have forests but no trees,I have rivers yet no water.
What am I?

I am small as an ant and big as a whale,I can soar through the air like a bird with a tail.I can be seen by day and not by night,I can be seen with a big flash of light.I follow whoever controls me by the sun,but I fade away when dark fell like a ton.
What am I?

When I'm young I'm tallWhen I'm old I'm shortWhen I'm alive I glowBecause of your breath I die
What am I?

I will include the answers in next weeks blog!! 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Newspaper 2014!

The music played in the background as I stared at my blank page. My brain was trying to think, I could hear it ticking away along with the noise of other people typing their ideas. The newspaper group was in the studio typing up newspaper articles because we all had to have one finished in two weeks! After a few minutes of thinking I started to get ideas and soon my fingers were spread out on the keyboard typing them up. I wish I could tell you my ideas but its a surprise, but I can tell you that the Enrich newspaper 2014 is going to be amazing!