Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The last day of Enrich for 2013!!

I made a pic-collage for my last day of Enrich. See you next year everyone!!!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Our last practice!!

Today is our LAST practice!!!! said Nicola. Today the Singing 201 group had their last practice of our songs for performing on the streets. We are doing five songs and I have two solos in Deck The Halls (and I am very excited). We did this practice outside, so we knew how loud we had to be.

Hopefully next week comes around fast!!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My solo!!!!

Hey!!!!!!! I am excited today because we just practiced singing Christmas carols with Nicola and I have got a solo for "Deck The Halls".  I sang the low part seeing that I have a low voice.  Now I am very excited about singing in front of people shopping at New World!!  La la la la la la la la laaaa.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Safety First!

Hey everyone!! Today was one of those days when I didn't do too much but I still learn't some new things. 

Singing 201
Today for singing we were Nicola's little hamsters because we were helping her try out some new backing for the christmas carols. There was one that I liked very much because it was my favourite kind of music, the song was called 'Joy To The World'. I also liked the backings for 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas', and 'Deck The Halls'. So at the end of the session I learn't new backings for Christmas songs.

Digital citizenship 
Who had no idea what I just said?? I had no idea what that meant at the start of today but now I do!! Digital citizenship means Internet safety. If you still don't know what I am talking about, it means nowadays before you are born and you are still in your Mums tummy, that's when people can start to track you by the Internet. Because say if you get your baby picture of when you are in your Mums tummy your Mum could post it on maybe Facebook and say this is my son/daughter in my tummy, they will be born whenever. Also your parents could keep posting pictures of you of when you were little. Or like for example you were going away you were in togs and you were on your front lawn and your parents took a picture and you could see the street sign in the backround. Then the parents post that picture on Facebook and say going away on holiday!! Another Facebook account could see what street you live on and could go to your house and steel things because they know your away. So I learn't in this lesson to stay safe on the Internet and make sure your posts are safe. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Fiery shapes

Tick Tock Tick Tock, I was waiting for lunch to be over because I was very excited!! After lunch we were going to do one of my favourite subjects at Enrich art, and today for art we get a huge piece of paper and we get to pick what type of art we want to do but it has to been what we have been doing for the past three weeks. We had the choice drip painting, masking tape painting or impressionist. Everyone in my group chose masking tape including me because it is so fun!! Masking tape painting is when you get some masking tape and put it on some paper in random places the you paint in the gaps,  then when you peel off the masking tape you get a cool effect of white lines and colourful shapes.  I choose to do a firey one made out of three colours yellow, orange or red. 

This is my group painting.

This is me and my finished painting.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Its nearly Christmas!!!!

Hi everyone. I know Christmas is two months away but I am really excited, because instead of doing a passion project I am doing Nicolas Singing 201. Its a group thats kind of a carry on group from the Performance group!! The most exciting thing though is, at the end of the year we will be going up and down the streets of Invercargill singing Christmas carols. We had a practice today and we listened to the medley which is a mixture of a whole lot of Christmas carols. It's really cool and a wee bit tricky. Theres one bit of the song that is really fast and it's hard to keep up with the song!! After that we ran through the song a couple of times and we listened to the song 'Burn' by Ellie Goulding because we will be singing that song at the Year Six Leavers night. I quite like the song 'Burn' and it's easy, so that's good.

Mum get ready for the next two months! You will be listening to a lot of Christmas carols!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Exploding in the wrong place!!!!

How embarrassing!!!! We were sitting all happy and then my face turned red. The performance group were watching our video from last Tuesday night (our performance) Then I remembered that I exploded in the wrong place. I didn't want to watch myself at all!!! Luckily Darryn wasn't filming me at the time but my sister was. My Mum keeps on watching the bit where I go wrong and laughing at me - its so embarrassing. Next time I will not explode in the wrong places.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Dance until you drop!!!

Hello!! This afternoon has been a hot dancy afternoon!! We have been practicing a dance for our performance. Today we learnt the verses and we practiced the chorus. After the dance I was very hot and could hardly walk..... but it was still fun.

I am still in the top six for chess!! I am coming fourth place. PS Jason you will have to try hard to beat me in a game of chess!!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

One, Two THREE!!!

I challenge you for chess!! It was chess time and I decided to challenge Mia who was third place on the chess leader-board. The game started and on the fourth move she took my Queen!! I knew I was going to lose or maybe I wouldn't. In the middle our game it was morning tea we carried on playing and things started to get better for me. For about ten moves I got her in check then finally I got her in check mate!!! Now I am moved up to the top three and I am going very well. Maybe next week I could be in first place!!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A bit like a monkey!!

Musical, body movement, and language. Hello! Today at Enrich we got put into groups and each teacher took a group.  I was with Nicola doing a Multiple Intelligence results test. All you have to do is answer some questions - for example - do you like music and you would have to answer. There are five possible answers;     
1 you don't like music. 
2 you don't really like it.
3 you think it is ok.
4 you like it.
5 you love it.
My top three ones were musical, body movement, and language as I said at the start.

Then we did talent development. In performance group we did some warm-ups using our vowels and copying skills. Next we learnt a new song called Some Thing Are Meant To Be from the musical Little Women. It is an emotional song that can be quite hard to sing. After that we did photo shoots - we did this so we can get experience taking a professional shot for any auditions and Nicola is going to hang them up on our performance wall. In my one I am hanging in a tree a bit like a monkey. 

Goodbye !!!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


 And  Nicola will be running her newspaper today said Katie - yay I think!! When it came to the time, I did some more work on my ideas. I did some questions for an interview with The Edge because they are my favorite radio station. I can't wait for next week to do more work on my newspaper ideas. I love doing the newspaper because I love to write!! 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

What it feels like to be in the top six!!!

I am so proud of myself do you want to know why? Well in chess I played Ali who was in the top six and you will never believe what happened... I bet her so now I am in the top six!! I was really lucky because through the game every second time I moved, I got a piece. Well thats what I think. So I ended up taking all her pieces but her king then I got it in check-mate!! 

I never thought I would make it to the top six!!!! I am quite nervous about next week because my best friend Madison challenged me for a game of chess for next week already, and she is really good!!

I had a really good day and watch out Jason I will beat you in a game of chess!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

A colorful morning!!!

This morning at performance group it was really fun!!!!!! First we did some warm ups they were singing voices that Nicola played on the keyboard, then we played big booty. It was a great activity. Here's how you play it. You choose someone to start as big booty. Ours was Mia. Next you get numbered. I was number 7. Then big booty would say "big booty big booty big booty rest, big booty big booty big booty seven" (someones number). Then that person would say it. Then we got onto the singing!! First because Nicola wasn't here last week we sang our new song "Like An Eagle". Then we sang "Life On Mars". Nicola really wanted us to work on our opening our mouths so we could really get it out and be loud.

Next we had some fun with these new skirts! Nicola bought from a lady in Tauranga. They are big frilly tulles! We put them all on Mia. She looked like a big cake.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


OMG!! This is my favourite song we sing at the performance group for talent development!!!! So today for talent development we first did  some warm ups they were...  YOU.  That's when you say the word "You" but at the same time pointing at someone, then as you go around the group you start quietly then you get louder, it's really great to play. We did the same thing with the word HASH. That"s a game when you count to twenty but 12345 has to be happy h, 678910 has to be angry a, 11 12 13 14 15 has to be sad s, and 16 17 18 19 20 has to be happy again h, We did more of those games using stop and fact!! Then time for the singing!! First we did Is There Life On Mars?.   I don't really like that song it's too slow!! Then we sang my second favourite  Don't Stop Me Now by Queen, it's a great song!! Then we sang Like A Eagle. I don't really like that song much either, it's another slow one and I like them to be upbeat. Then for  the last song my  favourite song OMG. I had a great day.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My great day.

Maybe I should learn more about chess I said, because it was chess time and Katie was doing a chess lesson with the big chess set. So first we got into a team black, or white, I was on the black team with Emily, Grace, Madison, Norton, and Me!!

Emily started. For the first moves we didn't have a plan but then we got some plans into the game!! Who would win? We still haven't finished our game but next week I will tell you who won. After that was morning tea. Then we had performance group. We warmed up then got started. We sang don't stop me now. Its really fun because you can open your mouth and yell! Then we used a new song called life on mars it was ok but not my favorite. Then we sang oh my. This is my favorite song that we sing!! I can't wait for next week at Enrich. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

War at Enrich

Welcome everyone to my blog post for today or should I say WAR. I set up my chess board ready to verse my friend Madison in the game of chess. I made my first move. I always start with the same move which is moving the pawn that reveals the bishop. As I had my next turn a plan finally fell into my head! Oh no she destroyed my plan and even though we had been playing for at least three minutes  I was nearly in check-mate. I played my move when Katie turned on the music so I will play it at lunch. So at lunch we carried on playing I was going well now because she had only taken four of my pieces and I had taken six or seven. 'I was going to win!' I positively said. It felt like I had been playing chess for a hour. Katie put on the music to do our blog post. Looks like no winner but I probably would have won. I can't for next term at Enrich so I can play more chess. Well for the end of the term I would like to thank everyone who leave comments for me. See you all next term!


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

River deep mountain high!

Don don don are you ready to hear about my favorite thing of the day?!! Well it is performance group with Nicola. I love to sing dance and perform, so that's why I choose this group. So today we wrote down on paper what kind of songs, movies, and dances we like.

Then we voted for a song that we wanted to do. Nicola played the three songs and we voted. The song that won the vote is..... River Deep Mountain High by the Glee cast. I really enjoyed singing the song!! We did the song a couple of times then we stood up and did a wee dance to go with it.

After all that Nicola played some tunes on her awesome new piano - they were great. (Hey Mum, that's a wee hint for what I want for my birthday!)

To my sister Mary who broke her foot - I hope you feel better!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The long hot trip!

I couldn't  wait. Today is the day when we are going on a field trip at Enrich to Queens Park and the museum to explore more patterns outside and inside. First we got into our groups I was with Katie. The first step we took outside was patterns. It was amazing how many patterns there were. We got a piece of paper  and one camera and a partner. On the paper it had the 4 types of patterns we were looking at beauty, order, strength, and survivability. As we walked down the road we stopped every ten seconds  to write down a pattern. As we arrived at the museum we explored the patterns inside the museum. There wasn't as many patterns as outside but it was good. We went through the rose gardens with beauty filling up because there were heaps of roses. As we made our way over to the duck pond the ducks all there ducks has mostly 5 patterns each. Then we met all the other groups at the band rotunda and had lunch. Then my  group went to see the animals. It smelt but it was worth it. Then we went to the bird avairy and went through looking at all the birds and cages. Then it was time to head back to Enrich. I had a long hot day but it was worth it. Thank you Jason for coming on the trip and I hope you enjoyed reading my blog Mum. These are my three favourite photos of the day!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Maths, maths, maths!!

Do you think this picture is confusing? Well once you get it explained, it's not hard! But don't worry, Lucy is here to explain it to you!! Today for talent development I went with Katie to do maths. We did some 'guesstimating', oh whoops, I mean probability. Probability is all about working out the chances of something happening.  It goes like this. We used a box of Cadbury Favourites and we 'guesstimated' the chances of pulling out each type of chocolate.  First we had to work out how many chocolates we had in the box, (27) then we had to work out how many types of chocolates there were (there were 11 different types).  From this, we got a percentage of how likely it was to pull that chocolate out.  We all took turns to pull out a chocolate - we did this 50 times. We used the telly marks to say how many times that chocolate type was pulled out.  Then we added up the telly marks and worked out the percentage. To get the percentage we had to double the numbers because we did it 50 times, but we wanted to know what the percentage was. Like three plus three would be six percent. It was really fun!!  Cherry Ripe and Turkish Delight came out a lot more times than we thought it would.  Thank you for reading my blog (Mum and Jason!)

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Talent development tasters!!

Tasters mmmm how yum trying all the hot fresh baking [ stick to the subject Lucy]. What I mean is how we did talent development tasters today. There were three choices they were music with Nicola, art with Jenny, or maths with Katie. I did music. We did first some sheets about music while listening to some songs. Next we sang a song called 'My Life Would Suck Without You! Then we went outside and made up a dance to the chorus.  It was crazy! We danced all over the car park!! All together our voices sounded great!! I had a crazy talent tasters!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Morning drama!

Drama!! No I'm not talking about Enrich, I'm talking about how we did drama this morning. We did three awesome games to help our  thinking, cooperating, team work, speeding up your reaction, and using our listening skills. Here are the games!! First we did the suitcase game, this is how you play. We started with Nicola she told us what she put into the suitcase and the next person would have to say what Nicola put in and say what you put in. When it got to me I had to do six people and myself.I put in a hairbrush.Then we played the hoop game. We all got into a circle and held hands and put two hoops into the circle then we had to get the hoop around the whole circle without it touching the ground and holding hands the whole time. I found it easy because the person I was beside helped me a lot!!! (co-operation)Then we played my favorite one out of the three - musical bumps!! Its like musical chairs but when  the music stops you have to sit down with your legs crossed, last one to sit down will go out of the game. 
I did really well! I had a great morning at Enrich.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Week 2

Hello everyone! Well today we started with the Wilson game called Picadilly Circus -  it is really fun. First you get into a circle and someone will hold a ball then you try pass it around the hole circle with a time limit  once you have had the ball you sit down you can add more balls. It may sound easy but here our the rules. You can not talk, you can not drop the ball, and you can not give the ball to the people beside you. We did 28 seconds with three balls!! Then we did a sheet all about ourselfs so Katie Darryn  and Nicola could find out more about us. I found it a bit tricky but fun. Then it was morning tea time. After that it was then Katie told us our topic for concept curriculum it was patterns! So we got into a group and wrote down what we know about patterns then we wrote on a sheet of paper that Katie will hang up here our some patterns a chess board, clothes, are, and lots others.Next we did a I am poem that had sentence starter like I dream and you have to write something in that line - that was quite fun.