Tuesday, 16 April 2013

War at Enrich

Welcome everyone to my blog post for today or should I say WAR. I set up my chess board ready to verse my friend Madison in the game of chess. I made my first move. I always start with the same move which is moving the pawn that reveals the bishop. As I had my next turn a plan finally fell into my head! Oh no she destroyed my plan and even though we had been playing for at least three minutes  I was nearly in check-mate. I played my move when Katie turned on the music so I will play it at lunch. So at lunch we carried on playing I was going well now because she had only taken four of my pieces and I had taken six or seven. 'I was going to win!' I positively said. It felt like I had been playing chess for a hour. Katie put on the music to do our blog post. Looks like no winner but I probably would have won. I can't for next term at Enrich so I can play more chess. Well for the end of the term I would like to thank everyone who leave comments for me. See you all next term!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucy,
    You sure are good at chess! Keep playing over the holidays.
    Good work Luc,

    Love Mum x
