Tuesday, 9 April 2013

River deep mountain high!

Don don don are you ready to hear about my favorite thing of the day?!! Well it is performance group with Nicola. I love to sing dance and perform, so that's why I choose this group. So today we wrote down on paper what kind of songs, movies, and dances we like.

Then we voted for a song that we wanted to do. Nicola played the three songs and we voted. The song that won the vote is..... River Deep Mountain High by the Glee cast. I really enjoyed singing the song!! We did the song a couple of times then we stood up and did a wee dance to go with it.

After all that Nicola played some tunes on her awesome new piano - they were great. (Hey Mum, that's a wee hint for what I want for my birthday!)

To my sister Mary who broke her foot - I hope you feel better!


  1. Thx Lucy
    ❤ Love Mary

  2. Hi Lucy,

    You'll love doing the music and dance, it's what you love! Great you get to express your personality at enrich.

    Love Mum x
