Tuesday 19 February 2013

Week 2

Hello everyone! Well today we started with the Wilson game called Picadilly Circus -  it is really fun. First you get into a circle and someone will hold a ball then you try pass it around the hole circle with a time limit  once you have had the ball you sit down you can add more balls. It may sound easy but here our the rules. You can not talk, you can not drop the ball, and you can not give the ball to the people beside you. We did 28 seconds with three balls!! Then we did a sheet all about ourselfs so Katie Darryn  and Nicola could find out more about us. I found it a bit tricky but fun. Then it was morning tea time. After that it was then Katie told us our topic for concept curriculum it was patterns! So we got into a group and wrote down what we know about patterns then we wrote on a sheet of paper that Katie will hang up here our some patterns a chess board, clothes, are, and lots others.Next we did a I am poem that had sentence starter like I dream and you have to write something in that line - that was quite fun.