Sunday 10 August 2014

Making my brain sore!!

Do you want to make your brain sore of thinking?? Well if you do I suggest you carry on reading!!

Today in the morning email Katie sent us three riddles that we had to solve. I sat there for ages re-reading the riddles and I just couldn't get them. After about 5 minutes of hard out thinking I got the second one!!!! Then I got the third one, but I just couldn't get the first one. 

These were the questions...... 

I have streets but no pavement,I have cities but no buildings,I have forests but no trees,I have rivers yet no water.
What am I?

I am small as an ant and big as a whale,I can soar through the air like a bird with a tail.I can be seen by day and not by night,I can be seen with a big flash of light.I follow whoever controls me by the sun,but I fade away when dark fell like a ton.
What am I?

When I'm young I'm tallWhen I'm old I'm shortWhen I'm alive I glowBecause of your breath I die
What am I?

I will include the answers in next weeks blog!! 

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