Thursday 30 August 2012

This is one of the photos.

Hello!! Today we started off with a game off chess I played my best friend Madison she won. Then we did some more work on the environment. The people who were doing the murals [thats me] went to Salford school but not all of us just some people I got to go we took pictures of the murals so we had a idea of what they looked like. Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea we played a Wilson game called bulls eye.  Then we did high interest stations I did Fibonacci numbers like last week. Then it was lunch. After lunch we did our blogs. Then we are doing creative writing or p4c or debating I am doing creative writing with Darryn. Then its home time.


  1. Sounds like a good day Luc, I'm pleased you are doing the mural, you love art! Hopefully your lovely artist nana can come and help.
    Love Mum x

  2. Well done Lucy. This is Madison!I like your tittle!:-]
